17 Jun 2016

KINGDOM HEARTS Unchained x | MOD APK+DATA (English)

KINGDOM HEARTS Unchained x | MOD APK+DATA (English)

KINGDOM HEARTS Unchained x | MOD APK+DATA (English)

Hey guys what’s going on it’s me here, I thought I would do my first impressions on Kingdom Hearts unchanged keep you people came to me and asked if as well as no just sort of asking cinema what’s your own opinions and feelings towards can enhance unchained he have you played it yet what do you think play the game properly and stuff like that you know what each sort of middle does in the game with a small based phone defense attack with it actually feels you for special ability and stuff like that very very hard navigating every corner of the game you know it’s actually fully understand how upgrades and stuff like that works so well those real in depth things to do with the game which is a majority of the game I’m not gonna be going over because honestly this game looks different from any other Kingdom Hearts game that we have received in the past we used to go viously playing 3d games when it comes to human on the des you know games even in the des was in a very powerful console it was still sort of like three BB King of Hearts game at this time around is like a 2d side-scrolling game the visual style is really beautiful visuals look really really nice work with everything looks a little bit cartoon in a few people. really good and it runs on most devices as well as you don’t need the latest of he latest phone and complained on most phones these days and stuff like that as are great to handle.

Wetlands and actually exploring these areas that we actually have been explored in these worlds before it is quite cool and one thing I do I is the game actually use the original music from the world that we’re familiar with which is really really really nice as well as you know that you know you in a Kingdom Hearts you know which is super cool. Although it’s a mobile game, it captures the essence of the kingdom hearts series, level and audio design is top notch quality, the art style though is very “disney”, even though I’ve become of fan of it. Combat wise it’s very simple yet very addictive. The rpg elements are well organized, the use of medals as your attacks and abilities is very well done. Overall it is a nice game and I’m glad it finally reached overseas.

What’s In The MOD:

  • 1 Hit Kill
  • GOD Mode
  • Requires Android: 4.0 and Up
  • Version: 1.0.1


Install APK,Download data files directly from game and play.

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