15 Jul 2016




*Yang langka itu.
*Istri yg tunduk patuh pada suami, yg senantiasa berseri2 saat dipandang , yg ridha terdiam saat suami marah. Tidak merasa lebih apalagi meninggikan suara. Tercantik di hadapan suami. Terharum saat menemani suami beristirahat. Tak menuntut keduniaan yg tidak mampu diberikan suaminya. Yang sadar bahwa ridha-Nya ada pd ridha suaminya.

*Yang langka itu.
*Suami yang mengerti bahwa istrinya bukan pembantu. Sadar tak melulu ingin dilayani. Malu jika menyuruh ini itu krn tahu istrinya sudah repot seharian urusan anak dan rumah. Yang tak berharap keadaan rumah lapang saat pulang krn sadar itulah resiko hadirnya amanah² yg masih kecil. Yang sadar pekerjaan rumah tangga juga kewajibannya. Yang rela mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah tangga krn rasa sayangnya thdp istrinya yg kelelahan.

*Yang langka itu.
* Anak lelaki... yang sadar bahwa ibunya yg paling berhak atas dirinya. Yang mengutamakan memperhatikan urusan ibunya. Yang lebih mencintai ibunya dibanding mencintai istri dan anak²nya. Yang sadar bahwa surganya ada pd keridhaan ibunya.

*Yang langka itu.
* Orang tua... yang sadar bahwa anak perempuannya jika menikah sudah bukan lagi miliknya. yang selalu menasehati untuk mentaati suaminya selama suaminya tidak menyuruhnya kpd perkara munkar. Yang sadar bahwa keridhaan Allah bagi anaknya telah berpindah pd ridha suaminya.

*Yang langka itu.
* Seorang ibu... Yang meskipun tahu surga berada di bawah telapak kakinya. Tapi tidak pernah sekalipun menyinggung hal tsb saat anaknya ada kelalaian thdnya. Yang selalu sadar bahwa mungkin segala kekurangan pd anak²nya adalah hasil didikannya yg salah selama ini. Yang sadar bahwa jika dirinya salah berucap atau do'a keburukan maka malaikat akan mengaminkan do'anya.

*Yang langka itu.
* Anak yang senantiasa mendoakan kebaikan bagi orangtuanya dlm keheningan sepertiga malam terakhir. Meskipun sehari hari dlm kesibukan rumah tangganya. Dalam kesibukan usahanya. Dalam kesibukan pekerjaannya.

*Yang langka itu.
* Orang-orang yg saling memberikan nasehat dalam kebenaran dan kesabaran. yang saling memaklumi jika hal² di atas lupa atau lalai dilakukan sehingga saling memaafkan diantara mereka. Maka rahmat Allah berada di antara mereka.
*Dan Allah dgn kemurahanNya memaafkan kesalahan² mereka.*

12 Jul 2016

Download Pokemon Go di Indonesia Untuk IOS dan Android

Download Pokemon Go di Indonesia Untuk IOS dan Android | POKEMON GO DOWNLOAD

Pokemon Go game yang paling ditunggu-tunggu sudah rilis! Namun masih belum tersedia di iTunes App Store dan Google Play Store Indonesia karena baru dibuka untuk untuk region Amerika Utara, Jepang dan Australia. Namun jangan khawatir, Gamestation akan memberikan cara menginstal Pokemon Go baik untuk IOS dan Android sehingga kamu bisa langsung bermain sekarangjuga!Android:Silahkan masuk ke link di sin, kemudian install dan mainkan:Pokemon Go Android APKIOS:Untuk IOS sedikit rumit, tapi kamu tidak perlu men jailbreak iPhone kamu, ikuti petunjuk di sini:

1.Buka linkios.hipstore.mobi
2.Search atau cari: Pokemon Go
3.Download dan install.
4.Ketika dijalankan akan ada tulisan UNTRUSTED DEVELOPER5.Kemudian Ke settings > general > device management, ada pilihan Yectech Technology, di klik> trust6.Buka kembali Pokemon Go nya.Hipstore.mobi merupakan suatu store alternatif untuk mendownload aplikasi iPhone, dan dinyatakan legal. Jadi tidak perlu khawatir untuk mendownload nya karena sama tersambung dengan server resmi. Namun kamu masih belum bisa membeli item melalui iTunes karena region Indonesia belum dibuka. Oya, untuk download di hipstore ini kamu harus cukup bersabar, karena lokasi server bukan di Indonesia dan terkadang disebutkan tidak terkonek atau tidak bisa download. Coba ditunggu beberapa saat kemudian coba kembali.Cara lain untuk menginstall Pokemon Go di IOS adalah dengan menggunakan Apple ID negara dimana PokemonGo sudah rilis (US, Australia atau Jepang), caranya ubah region country terlebih dahulu, kemudian buat Apple ID baru. Namun cara ini akan membuat kamu kesulitan dengan aplikasi yang sudah di download menggunakan Apple ID sebelumnya sata ada update baru atau membeli in-app purchase. Saran kami kalau ingin membuat Apple ID baru adalah gunakan iPhone atau iPad baru atau yang sudah tidak terpakai, sehingga kamu tidak perlu mengganti-ganti Apple ID. Dengan cara ini, kamu bisa membeli Pokemon Go item, pastikan credit card kamu valid untuk negara tersebut, karena kalau menggunakan credit card Indonesia akan ditolak.Selamat Bermain
Yg blm dapat coba download disini:
Via Mirror: Visite
Via Dropbox: Download
Via Zippyshare: Link
Recommended: Pokemon Go
Alternatif Links: Click


How To Play YouTube Videos In The Background in Android Phones

How To Play YouTube Videos In The Background in Android Phones


You guys have been using YouTube on your Android phones since you got your first Android phone. well you have to use it because there are no Alternatives like YouTube in this universe. Google is so active in their Video site that you can see much improvements and not the fitty bugs. We listen to musics, watch movies, movie trailers, Pranks and so many other stuffs. But some videos does not requires a Video, their music or speech is enough and you can not minimize YouTube application, if you do music stops right away. But a YouTuber has found a bug or trick whatever you want to say, ill call it trick, He just found a way to run YouTube videos in the background while you work on any other application or whatever you want to do. You can play games, open any application you want and keep YouTube videos running in the background. It’s easy and yet its effective. Tried it on Note 4 and its working fine. Results may vary depending on devices. Let’s Try this.

An Android Phone
A Chrome Browser
A Working Internet Connection

1)First get the Chrome Browser from the play store (Skip step 1 if you already have it,in Most cases you do have it pre-installed)
2)Now Open the chrome Browser and go to YouTube.com and play any Video you would like to play in the Background (Well i hope you will not choose any prank video,whos gonna play prank videos in the background)
3)Now Video is running in the phone,now just stop the video from the notification bar and tap on NEW TAB in the chrome browser.
4)It’s done you minimize the chrome and continue playing the video using the notification and enjoy YouTube in the background.

If it works for you then comment down below,and make sure to check out other tricks as well. and more are coming soon……..

How To Play YouTube Videos In The Background in Android Phones


How To XMODGAMES Tutorial

How To  XMODGAMES Tutorial


Hello Folks, How’s going? Hope doing well, I’m here writing this post just about XMODGAMES and its awesomeness. First of all let me tell how about you get an app that gives you plenty of tricky features to advance in the game, yes buddy online games like clash of clans or 8 ball pool. As we have talked about online games can not be modded right? it is true and will remain the same but we can do some strange things like increase player damage, player take no damage because these values stores offline and not online. There is an app for this it’s called XMODGAMES. Using this app you will have unlimited money for your offline android games as well as online games with different mods. I will describe every game with its features down below you might check it out its awesome.

What is XMODGAMES and what are the requirements?
XMODGAMES is an APP to cheat other APPS. Did not get it? try it and you will find out. for requirements this app requires ROOT ACCESS. (Ask Google or YouTube about how to root)

How to use this APP?
let use take an example you want to use XMODGAMES with clash of clans.open xmodgames and your installed games will be listed in there tap on clash of clans and install MOD that is it.now open clash of clans from XMODGAMES and you are good to go.

Can i connect to Facbook or Google+ while using XMODGAMES?
Yes you can since you have installed your games from play store and using XMODGAMES with it you will have access to connect to Google or Facebook and compete with your fiends and get helps from them.

List of games that work with XMODGAMES and their cheat features:
Clash of Clans
1.Search conditions: “Gold”,”Elixir”,”Dark Elixir”, “Get Trophy More Than”, “Max Town Hall Level”are five conditions for searching your opponent.
2.SandBox Attack (Simulate Attack)
3.Keep Active (You Never Get Attacked While The App is Active)
4.Town hall near edge:a search condition for villages with townhalls near the edge of map.
5.Real Time Trap:Works in Real Attack/Replay.Turn it ON and restart the modded game to activate!

8 Ball Pool
Features:Unlimited Guideline.

Candy Crush Saga
1.Unlimited moves
2.Unlimited Lives
3.Score Multiplier

Boom Beach
1.Simulate Statues Building
2.Keep active
3.Simulate attack

Subway Surfer
Coins Multiplier 1~150.

Fun Run2
Features:Nitro Boost for every Mystic Box

Candy Crush Soda
1. Unlimited Lives
2. Score Multiplier

Clash of Kings
1.Auto Collect: Automatically collect resources as you enter the game.
2.Skip FREE Building: Automatically skip building cooldown for the last five minutes

Minecraft PE
1.Full HP: Tap to heal (Respawn to reactivate in saved files)
2.Day/Night Switch (Set Daytime or Nighttime)
3.Block Breaker (Instantly break blocks).

Farm Heroes Saga
1.Unlimited Moves
2.Unlimited Lives

Simponsons Tapped Out
1.Money Multiplier:when you get Money,it will times 1-20
2.XP Multiplier:when you get Experience,it will times 1-20
3.unlimited donuts

Plants vs. Zombies 2
1.Initial Sun Value 3000.
2.Coins Multiplier.

Dead Trigger 2
Features:Infinite ammo in missions

The Sims: FreePlay
1. No matter how much money you get, there will be extra $1000 added on top of that.
2. LP: If LP increased, it will be multiplied by 5.
3. XP: If XP increased, it will be multiplied by 5.

Features:unlimited power credits

Bubble Witch Saga 2
1.Unlimited Lives.
2.Scores Multiplier.

What’s New: v 2.0.2
1)add Forum\Capture\Record functions
2)Support English/Spainish/Russian/Portuguese four languages.

Requires Android: 4.0 and Up

Version: 2.0.2

Download Link:

[How To] XMODGAMES Tutorial

HOW TO Tutorial Converting ARMv7 Games to ARMv6(Full Guide)

HOW TO Tutorial Converting ARMv7 Games to ARMv6(Full Guide)


Today i am going to TEACH you how to convert ARMv7 games to ARMv6, Its easy and no special ability requires it means even a noob or APPLE user can do this thing. so lets get started.

What you need to have is……..
1) Winrar (To OPEN APK FILE)
2)LIB Files of Unity Engines
3)APK Singer

Download Links:
Download A TO Z LIB Files

Download APK Signer

1) Using Winrar OPEN the APK File and head to Assets>Bin>Data> and Open “MAINDATA” file using NOTEPAD or NOTEPAD++
2) Now Check the Version of Unity (Check the Screenshot for more info)
3) Now you have the info about the Unity Engine Version, in our case it is 3.5.6f4 so now you have to extract 3.5.6f4 libs which you have downloaded from above links.
4) Now using winrar Delete LIB Folder from APK file and Place ARMv6 lib folder now head to Assets>Libs and delete ARMv7 folder and place the armeabi-vfp. now we are almost done.
5) Now using APK Signer sign the APK and you are done.

Now if you have any problem then please don’t ask about it because every single steps are written above.
NOTE: If you find Unity Engine Version 4.0 or above it means its dead end and those games can not be converted.

[HOW TO]Tutorial Converting ARMv7 Games to ARMv6(Full Guide)

Unlimited Glu coins hack for all Glu Android Games(NO ROOT)

Unlimited Glu coins hack for all Glu Android Games(NO ROOT)


(Glu Credit Hack) Yes finally there is a patcher called glu patcher for all the freemium glu titles and get 396k gold coins in every game, its easy simple and no root required, it works with all the glu games.

Tested On these games:
and most of all the glu games.

1)Install the GLU PATCHER APK
2)Turn OFF WIFI+Mobile data (will not work if your phone is conected to internet)
3)Open the APP Glu patcher and press OK
4)Now play any of the glu game and get your full gold(Glu) coins.
5)Enjoy the Koreans Release.

Download Link:


In case if you get any problem then try this steps.
Delete folder gwallet from Android/data/com.glu.android.gwallet
or Clear data of the particular game and then try

Unlimited Glu coins hack for all Glu Android Games(NO ROOT)

How To Use Two WhatsApp Accounts in A Single Android Phone

How To Use Two WhatsApp Accounts in A Single Android Phone


Hello fellow followers and blog readers i have decided to bring something useful information to you guys by writing some tutorials, tips and tricks so you guys can make full out of your Android phones. And believe you are going to love whatever i have planned to post. It’s me RoyalGamer and i will be writing these kinda posts frequently whenever i get spare times so make sure to check Tips and Trick Tag whenever you want to.

This Time i am going to show you how to use two Application Accounts in a single Android phone. you guy have been wanting to use two applications in a single Android phones but what if you can use that single application but with two accounts in there? like you are using a whatsapp and you want to Another number in same whatsapp application, now you can do those things using an Application that requires no Root Permission at all. and that’s Parallel Space-Multi Accounts. using this application you can simply use two accounts in any of the Application of games. like let’s have an example i am playing Clash Of Clans, basically everyone does this time we are more bonded with the clash royale though. you have two accounts in COC or CR and you are changing accounts frequently using your Google IDs it must be tired. but using Parallel Space you can simply switch your game IDs easily.

Simply Get the Parallel Space from play store or from the link down below and install it
Open the APP and select APPLICATION which you want to use
Once you have selected the app, that particular app will appear in the Parallel Space Application
Now what you have to do is just open that Parallel Space and open that application that’s it and you are good to go

Next Big Point about this app is its clean, no advertisements , no IAPs and no adwares at all. Its completely clean and you can trust on it. (I have postmortem-ed this app to know what’s inside and and i dint find suspicious except few bones) so go and use your Two Whatsapp accounts in your single Android phone or switch gaming accounts easily. and yes if you already know about this app then ignore it. It’s not for you. well enjoy it and wait for more tutorials which is coming soon. and yes someday ill write and article regarding how to MOD games too. so stay tuned.

Requires Android: 4.0 and Up

App Version: 1.0.3125

PLAY LINK: Parallel Space-Multi Accounts

Download Links:

How To Use Two WhatsApp Accounts in A Single Android Phone

How to Play PSP Games on Android Phones(Tutorial+Download Links)

How to Play PSP Games on Android Phones(Tutorial+Download Links)

<a href="http://www.chitika.com/publishers/apply?refid=tenzzuu">

Hello Andropalace Users, Hope you all doing very well with your Android games, but today i am not going to post any Android game.But Today i am going to talk about PSP games aka PSP Emulator named PPSSPP GOLD. We all know about PSP HIGH END and LOW END games some were super hit and some were epic so today i am going to RIP those PSP games and upload them for you so you can enjoy your favorite PSP games on your beloved ANDROID phone.PPSSPP GOLD With this emulator you can play almost all the PSP games on your Android phones easily.

PSP GAMES ( In ISO or CSO File Format)

1)Download PPSSPP GOLD from here
2)Install PPSSPP GOLD in your phone.
3)Download PSP GAMES in CSO or ISO file format
4)Place download ISO or CSO file in your SDCard or Wherever you want.
5)Open PPSSPP GOLD and then go to GAMES and find the location where you have placed the PSP GAME’s CSO or ISO file and its DONE. Now Enjoy your favorite PSP Games on your Android phone.

How To Fix Error Download Failed you may not have purchased this App

How To Fix Error Download Failed you may not have purchased this App

<a href="http://www.chitika.com/publishers/apply?refid=tenzzuu">

Hi Users, Today i am going to show how to fix Download Failed ERROR in Android, most of our users faces this error because they are new to Android and they do not know much about APK or data or bla bla bla so here is the sort information i am trying to give about this error.

Q.Why This Error occurred ?
A.This Error Ouccurred because you did not place data folder properly in the desired place.
if this error apears it means you have to place the data folder in Android/obb/ folder, if you do not have a folder then create one and rename that folder to OBB, now place the data folder in Android/obb/ and play your game it will work just fine.
There are two types of data files placements for the Android games, first one is Android/obb (If Particular game’s data to be placed in obb folder then (You are reading this on Andropalace.net)you can not download data files directly from game because this method need to check license verification from google play) second one is in the Android/data/ if there is a game and we have asked to place data in Android/data/ then it means you can download data files directly from game.

Q.What should i do to fix this error in the game?
A.To fix this error you have to remove Application or go to Manage Apps and clear data of that game, now place the data folder in Android/obb/ and play. data folder’s name should be start with com. and this folder must contain one .obb file that’s it.

Watch the video if you are still confused.
Need More Help abo

ut it? comment below

How To Fix Error Download Failed you may not have purchased this App

How To Reduce Lags on ANDROID Phones(Seeder)

How To Reduce Lags on ANDROID Phones(Seeder)

<a href="http://www.chitika.com/publishers/apply?refid=tenzzuu">

Yes its true now you can reduce lags on your android phones up to 90% and its 100% working,There is an App called SEEDER in the market with this App you can Reduce lags on your android smartphone upto 90%,Lags Reduces and improving performance of scrolling,gaming and using any Heavy Apps.This Application is developed by XDA member lambgx02.

Looks like this App is gonna be very useful for Armv6 phones users because there are so many lags on apps and games.so if you have a rooted phone then this app is a must have for you.

Developer Comment:
Many applications load significantly faster (particularly large ones like Facebook, Chrome, and YouTube), and task switching becomes effortless. Never again will you wait in frustration, as the home screen slowly redraws its icons and widgets after pressing the home button on a busy device.

Open SEEDER and Turn it On. Its Done.

Version: 2.0.0

Download Seeder APK From Here: (500 KB)
Download Link(DataFileHost)

Download Link(TusFiles)

If you like this App then you can support his development by purchasing his APP from GOOGLE PLAY


How To Predict What Chest You Will Get In The Clash Royale

How To Predict What Chest You Will Get In The Clash Royale

<a href="http://www.chitika.com/publishers/apply?refid=tenzzuu"><img src="http://images.chitika.net/ref_banners/728x90_money.png" /></a>  <a href="http://www.chitika.com/publishers/apply?refid=tenzzuu"><img src="http://images.chitika.net/ref_banners/728x90_tired_of_adsense.png" /></a>  <a href="http://www.chitika.com/publishers/apply?refid=tenzzuu"><img src="http://images.chitika.net/ref_banners/728x90_hidden_ad.png" /></a>  <a href="http://www.chitika.com/publishers/apply?refid=tenzzuu"><img src="http://images.chitika.net/ref_banners/728x90_referral.png" /></a>  <a href="http://www.chitika.com/publishers/apply?refid=tenzzuu"><img src="http://images.chitika.net/ref_banners/728x90_using_adsense.gif" /></a>

Hello Folks, Today i am going to give a simple guide about the chests in Supercell’s new game clash royale. This game arrived on Android few weeks ago and everyone went crazy towards this PVP Card Battle game. In just few week Download counter of Itunes and Google Play went super high and so the players about searching MOD APK and Tips and tricks. well its from supercell so you guys can not expect any MODs from them. Like Their games Clash Of Clans and Clash Royale contacts to supercell servers every 3 seconds. if 3 seconds they find something suspicious game gives error about not sync with the server. Well its just an Information about the games. just for knowledge or something?

Well Clash Royale is a super addicted game, even i am totally addicted to playing this epic game. There are chests which you get while battling other players. Those Chests are in different categories:
Silver Chest: Common Chest, Can be found easily (Requires 3 Hours to Open)
Gold Chest: Uncommon chest, Can be found easily (Requires 8 hours to open)
Giant Chest: Rare Chest, contains a lot of cards and golds (Requires 12 hours to open)
Magical Chest: Epic chest, Can be found easily if you win 50 chests, you can get one magical
Super Magical Chest: Super Epic chests. Chances are 1% in 1000 battles. and you can not predict this chest at all. It a luck by chance

Well Using this Chest Calculator you can easily predict what chest you will get if you win next battle. So here are the images. enjoy.
Clash Royale Chests Prediction Table

According to recent update and new chests introduced there might be some mismatch, ill update the tables if i get new info about chests. enjoy

[How To] Predict What Chest You Will Get In The Clash Royale